I had a blast in Maryland this last weekend! I've never traveled that far before, and definitely NEVER by myself, so it was a totally different and awesome experience for me! My work flew me out there to demo the Cricut® Expression™ which was only 2 hours out of the whole weekend!
I got there about 4pm on Friday, and my car rental totally fell through! I called the hotel who sent a shuttle to get me. lol! I stood outside in the freezing Maryland cold and waited, cause I didn't want to miss him! Then it started snowing! My weekend was already off to be an adventure! haha! I finally talked myself into opening up my luggage and getting out my hat and scarf. When the shuttle got there, it was driven by a very friendly older black gentleman who was listening to disco as loud as it could go, I swear! He rocked! When we got to the hotel, the front desk guy was looking for my reservation and taking a while. I asked him if he found it and hopefully it hadn't disappeared, and he said he found it and even if it had dissapeared he would have found something for me after what happened with the car. haha! He was awesome. He gave me a Chinese takeout menu after I asked if there was anything good to eat around here. I went up to the room, ordered and climbed into bed. Here I am, lost in Maryland, no car, and it's only 7 and I'm in bed. Well, really it was 5 for me with time change and all. The food came, and the Chinese guy took $2 from me! I gave him a $20 and asked for $4 back, which would have given him a $5 tip already. He gave me $2 back, smiled and took off. lol! I figured $2, whatever. But then I tasted the food and it was HORRIBLE! Oh my gosh! You'd think Chinese food being delivered by a Chinese guy would have tasted good. I started to get the feeling that if it wasn't seafood then it couldn't be cooked out here. haha! But I was starving so I ate it.
Can I just say I LOVE hotel beds? So soft and squishy! I stayed in bed and watched tv till I was finally tired and then I was out.
On Saturday I woke up and got ready and walked around my parking lot. The hotel I was in was part of a strip mall that had the store I was going to to do the demo. I wandered around the stores until it was time to go to the store. That took 2 hours, then my awesome cousin Risa came and got me. She lived about 40 or so minutes away. She and her husband cooked salmon for dinner. Now, I'm not a fish eater. In fact, I hadn't eaten fish since I was 7. So this was testing my ability to try something new. lol! But I psyched myself up and ate the fish no problem. :) I was pretty proud of myself. It actually didn't taste too bad. But I don't think I'lll be a regular at Red Lobster by any means. I played with her girls while they finished up making dinner and they are the cutest little girls! They were a ton of fun! Afterwards, Risa and Collins took me on a drive around DC where they stopped a few times to let me out and take some pictures so I wouldn't miss DC while I was out there. That would have been sad! I had been excited to go there, but without a car I didn't want to chance missing my plane the next day by depending on the public transit system. :) And my serious inability to find my way around places. The took me around the Mall, which I came to find out wasn't a shopping center, but all the monuments and cool places in the loop around DC. haha! I'm a dork. It was really cool seeing all the buildings lit up at night. I have to go back there sometime and spend time IN the buildings! :) We stopped at Collins work for free hot chocolate that was really good. He works at a law firm in downtown DC. Then he took me to my hotel.
On Sunday, the hotel front desk girl, Laura, that I made friends with the day before picked me up with her husband and took me to Fell's Point in Baltimore. We ate breakfast in an Irish pub whose owner has a love of European soccer and opens at 6am to play all the games for his fellow soccer lovers. Laura's husband was from England and he's a bio chemist. She's in her PhD program for pharmaceutical research. Way smart people, and very artsy too. She's my Maryland sister now! :) We walked to a place that has the yummiest gelato ever. Mmmmmm! It was so good! Then we walked around the harbor a bit and did some shopping. We went into a place called the Courdoroy Button that was this adorable children's shop. I ducked into this awesome eclectic furniture store and fell in love instantly. Then Laura dropped me off at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore and I walked around a bit. I didn't have time to really do anything but look there either, so I'll have to hit that place again when I go back to DC sometime. I did manage to get some fun pictures.
I got myself on the light rail system and got picked up at the end of the line by the hotel shuttle then they took me to the airport. I ate dinner at the Ram's Head Tavern and had the biggest hamburger of my life! And the best onion rings ever! Yay for beer batter! hahaha! I jumped on my plane and was on my way home. My awesome friend Josh picked me up from the airport and took me home. It was an awesome weekend! I totally missed my kids though! Which is what brought me to my previous post. I'm gonna take the opportunity to travel all over with them. I want them growing up seeing the world! It'll be awesome!