Monday, December 27, 2010

The Birthday Boy!

I seriously am in shock that my BABY is 4 years old today! As of 6:33pm, he's officially 4. Who knew when that little baby was placed in my arms, the adventure we'd have for the next four years! He has been my pure happiness, my ray of sunshine and my reminder that no matter what happens there is a way to be happy. Some of my most favorite things about Bridger are:

• Even when he's fussing about something, he eventually just says "OK" and is completely fine and happy with whatever I am asking him to do.
• For Thanksgiving, he wrote that he is thankful for Lightning McQueen, chicken nuggets and ketchup, the store and his family. He cracks me up!
• He is the best share-er ever. He is alway letting his brother and sister have his things and sharing his treats, even if he doesn't get any in the end. (I always make sure he gets a good treat when he does that.)
• He gives the best hugs. EVER. We've gone from Koala Bear hugs and moved up to Squish hugs!
• He promised me that even when he's all grown up, he'll still let me hug and kiss him. He pinky swore!
• His smile lights up my world.
• He always tells me I'm his best friend.
• He likes to play dragons, and he'll call me Mommy Dragon.  He, of course, is Bridger Dragon.
• He makes the best funny faces in this world. He is SUCH a ham!
• Whenever I tell him "I love my little boy!" He'll tell me "I love my girl!"
• He is so kind, sweet and caring. He takes care of everyone around him and is friends with everyone!
• He's one of three of the best things that have ever happened to me in my entire existence!

This morning, when he woke up, he came running down the hall yelling "It's my birthday!!" I've never seen him so excited for a birthday before! It made me smile super big. For his birthday he wanted to snuggle with me in my bed, instead of sleeping in his bed. But when he realized Hunter was in their room all by himself, he said to me, "I want to be in my bed, so Hunter won't be alone. I need to be with him." He just melts my heart. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful this little boy is! He's had some great examples in his big brother and sister, and he definitely has a special something about him that just makes everyone around him smile.

Love you, my Boo Bear!!!

These pictures were taken when he was a few days old.

It amazes me, looking back at them, how much they've all grown in such a short time!

There's one of those funny faces! :)

What would I do, and where would I be without these guys in my life? I don't even want to know, because I am SO happy, SO blessed and SO grateful to be where I am.  I owe my world to my kids, and I hope they grow up knowing how much I truly love them.

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