So, after thinking we'd be stuck inside all day, what with the thunderstorms and all, I finally made the executive decision to brave the elements and get us out of the house. Cuz we were all pretty much going stir crazy!
I had no plan though! I love winging it!
We got into the car, piled the kids' bikes into the back and headed out. We ended up heading towards Bridal Veil Falls. The kids and I love it there! As we approached the turn for the falls, I saw the turnoff for Squaw Peak. I've never taken the kids there, and thought that they would LOVE the view. So we made our way up the mountain. I've never driven up there myself, I've always been the passenger. So it was a little nerve racking. But I stuck it out. I'm terrified of heights! lol! As soon as the kids got out of the car, they were so excited that they could see the WHOLE city! It was so fun seeing them so excited at the view! I was so glad to have brought them there. Of course, they were nervous about being so high up. And they would not let me take pictures with them, thinking I was going to let them fall. Sadness!
I did manage to sneak a few in though!
After that we went up to Bridal Veil and the kids rode their bikes along the trail to the falls. It has rained so much the last couple weeks that the river was so high and moving so fast! It was incredible! Alayna had a hard time pedaling up the hills, so Hunter would either stand behind her pushing her up or in front, pulling on the handlebar trying to help get her up the hill. It was adorable! She kept pushing on, because she really wanted to see the waterfall. We are not quitters in this family! :)
All in all, it was such a great time! I love that we're getting out more as a family! It's a lot easier now that the kids are a little older and not tiny babies! lol