Well it's Christmas Eve, and it's been a great day! I got most of the presents wrapped last night, but had to quit when I ran out of wrapping paper. Talk about not being prepared! lol. Hunter started waking up in the middle of that, and I about panicked because he was still in my bed. Dodged that bullet! We woke up and watched cartoons in my bed until a reasonable hour to go down and eat breakfast. Then the kids played while I cleaned. And cleaned. And cleaned some more. Then we went to Josh's house and picked up Bridger's Christmas present. His awesome longboard that Josh made! It looks so good! I still need to get wheels for it though. :) I forgot I had to do that.
At 4ish, the kids opened their Christmas Eve present. Their new PJs. I wanted to have their ornament for the year for them to open today, but by the time I could get an ornament, I couldn't find any that I wanted for the kids this year. :( I'll just have to get 2 next year. :) Then we made our pizza and the kids played air hockey. I LOVE that we have an air hockey table at this house! :) Then we watched The Dark Crystal. Hunter fell asleep! NOOO! Too early AND Santa was coming over to visit! For once, I was trying to make him stay awake instead of getting him to sleep on Christmas Eve. How backwards is that? ;)
Then Santa came and gave each of the kids a little bag with treats and a small present in it for the kids. My parents put those together. How awesome is that? He told them to look out the window and watch for his sleigh. He drove by with his window open while the kids were looking the other way and rang his bells loudly. The kids went nuts! "Santa" is a family friend that does colonial re-enacting with my parents. That was so much fun! After he left, we got his plate of cookies ready for when he "comes back" after the kids are asleep. And now we're all laying in my bed watching Christmas movies until the kids fall asleep.
I LOVE Christmas! :)
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